Website Redesign, maintenance and support is a crucial link in creating and achieving a successful online presence. It is a well-known fact that both visitors and search engines alike prefer to visit updated websites where content is added on a regular basis.

Redesigning for the Better Development.

Your website should leap off the screen to clearly communicate your brand’s image, message, products, and services and be an accurate reflection of everything your company stands for Plus, it needs to be mobile-friendly, SEO optimized and easy to navigate. Think of your website as a 24/7 marketing assistant that’s always on, ready to share your value, and help generate leads. If it isn’t doing all of these things, you’ve come to the right cave.

We’re Digipix technologies, an Bengaluru-based web design company that’s helped businesses of all sizes around the bengaluru turn visitors into customers. With more than 25+ clients in a diverse range of industries, DigiPix Technology Design’s website redesign experience is extensive. Chances are we’ve worked with someone in your industry over the last decade and have insight into your audience and how to communicate with them.
A Fresh Look With a Website Redesign

A redesigned website can offer a fresh look for your business, but an outdated one can be an immediate turnoff to potential customers. By updating your site, you not only gain a revitalized internet presence but also build trust with potential clients. Our website redesign process will bring your site up to speed and make the transition from old to new as seamless as possible.

There are hundreds of reasons to redesign your website, and all of them are good. When considering working with a website redesign company, ask yourself: What isn’t your website doing for you now that you need it to do? Is your site confusing or difficult to navigate? Is the look and feel stale? Do you want to build awareness of your new services or products? Do you expect your site to deliver more visitors online or to your storefront?

Integrate With Social Media

Whether it’s because of new SEO needs or new brand standards, redesigning your website may feel like it needs to happen sooner rather than later, but how do you know when it’s time for a redesign? The answer is now if:

  • The site feels out-of-date or isn’t mobile responsive
  • Your bounce rate is high, or you have no visitors at all
  • Your site is slow-loading, taking more than three seconds to come to life
  • You’re unsatisfied with your website when compared to your competition’s site
  • You’ve revamped your brand image, but the old site doesn’t reflect that update
  • It’s not simple to update content to keep up with your business needs
  • Better Customer Relationship Management and Store Management
  • Drive more qualified traffic for better conversion rates
  • Improve the user experience
  • Strengthen your brand’s online presence
  • Give your business a unique brand identity
  • Make a lasting impression on your audience
  • Built-in Analytics & Reporting
  • Incorporate the best features into your new website
Good design is like a refrigerator—when it works, no one notices, but when it doesn’t, it sure stinks.